
Janet Reno was the AG in 1993 and considering and IMOshe was a total incompetent of the first degree.

In Steven Coll’s new book “The Achilles Trap (Penguin, 2024)” from a Middle East Institute Review:

“casts doubt on whether Iraqi intelligence had actually tried to assassinate former President George H. W. Bush (41) in Kuwait in April 1993. The importance of the 1993 Kuwait plot is the role it may have played in shaping President George W. Bush’s (43) animosity toward Saddam Hussein and Bush’s decision to invade Iraq 10 years after the attempt on his father.

And this

To hear Coll tell the tale, two weeks after Bush (41) visited Kuwait, Kuwaiti security services “announced the arrest” of the plotters. The Kuwaiti authorities, Coll writes, told the US ambassador but never mentioned it before to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Secret Service, or Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Moreover, two Americans who subsequently had access to Iraqi archives found no mention of such an Iraqi plot.

Hello? 🤔

Personally, it wouldn’t surprise me if this plot was cooked up by NeoCons/Cheney and the invade Iraq cult build around getting Hussein out, to get the vast oil of Iraq.

I really don’t think the Bush/NeoCons plotted the attack, but they sure rode the aftermath hell-bent for leather. The whole cabal built around making Saddam the fall guy and the false pretense for the invasion is so well documented as to be pretty solid history, that will stand the test of time.

If anything, the Bush family was providing cover to their Saudi Oil buddies.

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U.S. Department of Justice's evaluation of assassination attempt on the first president Bush does not agree with you:


The first president Bush set into motion Islam’s war against America, when he formed the coalition to free Kuwait. Before that, America’s ally the Shah of Iran, had turned Iran against America.

Did you ever find out what Graham actually knew?

I spent many hours in Key West listening to men who had some knowledge question how the twin towers and the third building came down as if they had been brought down by explosives charges designed to do do just that.

They did not convince me it was done by demolition, but they did cause me to wonder if Americans would ever be told the truth? I still don’t think they were told the truth.

For all I know, Bush 2 and Cheney were in on the 9//11 attack. When Bush was told of it while he was speaking to school children in Florida, did he excuse himself. No, he kept speaking to them. He let his and his family Saudi friend leave America, when no one else could leave it.

The Vietnam war taught me not to trust anything that the U.S. Government says abot its wars.

I read in a nation magazine, 2004, I think, President Truman’s handwritten diary entry, in which he said he did not drop the A-bombs on Japan to end that war, the Japanese were trying to surrender. He dropped the A-bombs on Japan to intmidate the Russians (who were threatening to invade Japan from the north, and take more land from Japan that Russia had taken in the past).

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If I were president, I would cut Israel loose and pull my land, sea and air troops out of the Middle East, and I would let the people of the Middle East work it out or fignt it out.

I would get the U.S. Department of Justice to round up for me every patent in the U.S. Patent Office that has to do with internal combustion engines designed for cars and trucks, which run on hydroben extracted from water by electrolysis, which have been field-tested by automobile manufacturers, who were ready to produce such engines if America was on board.

I learned of the patents from my friend Bob, who does the tech work for my books at the free internet library, archive.org and The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast. Bob is a mechanic who can take apart, repair, and put back together just about any kind of car, truck, tractor or motorcycle. He said, a sedan with an engine that converts water into hydrogen can go several hundred miles on a gallon of water. The tech can be installed in existing engines and in new engines. The tech would do away with electric cars, trucks, etc., which require huge batteries, weighing thousands of pounds, and become toxic waste when they wear out.

Such cars and trucks would put Saudi Arabia and the oil cartels, and Russia, and the American oil industry out of business, and would help the planet upon which all of humanity depends for its very survival to live a lot longer.

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I found photos on line of Baby Bush and Obama bowing to the Saudi King and of Trump bowing to the Saudi Prince to be king, who had a Saudi journalist sawed up into little pieces for writing stuff about the Saudi prince, which he didn’t like. Before he was president, Trump was financially bailed out twice by a Saudi businessman, and Trump made a lot of money off of Saudis via his golf courses and hotels.

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So, what did Graham actually know?

How was the third building that came down on 9/11 ever explained?

3 nights before 9/11, a familiar voice asked me in my sleep, “Will you make a prayer for a Divine Intervention for all of humanity?” I wok up, wondered what that was about, I made the prayer. On 9/11, my concern was America would get into another foreign war like the one in Vietnam, which it could not win. It did not occur to me that America would get into two such wars.

About a week after 9/11, as I walked out of a U.S. Post Office, the same voice told me, “America needs to get out of the Middle East altogether and let Islam and Israel work it out or fight it out, and in that way learn if either are God’s chosen people.”

Riss Perot begged the 1st President Bush on Larry King Live not to save Kuwait from Iraq. Perot said it didn’t matter who had Kuwait, its oil would be sold to America. About a week later, that President Bush said on national TV that he could not let the American way of life be threatened, and he formed a coalition of nations to rescue Kuwait.

At that point, it was not in the news that Saddam Hussien had polled the American ambassador re Iraq taking part of Kuwait, which Saddam felt actually was part of Iraq, and the ambassador said America had no position on that, and Saddam took that as a green light. Saddam was an American ally against Iran. He and President Bush knew each other when Bush was the CIA Director. Saddam felt set up.

The coalition infidel troops staged in Saudi Arabia, Islam's most holy land, which really pissed off Osama bin Laden, who had offered to bring his army from Afghanistan, which had defeated the Soviet Union with the infidel America’s help, to drive Hussein’s army out of Kuwait. The Saudis turned down bin Laden, which infuriated him even more.

Saddam tried to get that President Bush killed.

All that was stuck in the 2nd President Bush’s craw when he was elected in 2000, with great help from the U.S. Supreme Court.

In 2003, I think, I read an open letter from Osama bin Laden online, in which he told Americans their president was easy to bait, and they need to replace him.

I watched the 2nd President Bush and VP Cheney and Secretary of State Colin Powell invent Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. What Iraq had was lots of oil and mineral resources, which American industry, including and Cheney’s company, Halliburton, wanted.

American industry, including Halliburton, also wanted Afghanistan’s mineral resources, and Haliburton wanted to build a natural gas pipeline from the Persian Gulf through Afghanistan to the natural gas fields east of Afghanistan.

The 2nd president Bush gave up trying to find bin Laden, but he did not end the war in Afghanistan, and he lost the war in Iraq, after he and his father got Islam to declare war on America.

After accepting the Nobel Prize for Peace, President Obama continued the two Bush wars.

After he was elected in 2016, Donald Trump said on national TV that the mineral resources of Afghanistan and Iraq should be monetized to repay America for those two wars.

President Biden got America out of Afghanistan and was crucified by the American right.

President Biden has come very close to aiding Israel to start World War III.

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Nothing will ever happen to Saudi Arabia. You don’t even have to wonder why.

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